Saturday, August 7, 2010

Today's Menu

How to Order/Buat Tempahan

Choose/Quote mane yg berkenan d hati n inform me by email/sms..
email me at:
contact no: 016-2517721 (yan) sms only please..

Sy akn bagi harge then u condirm order..make half/full payment which will be decided later n we will discuss on method of delivery.i prefer to send in by hand to my customers to ensure items get to their hand safely n unbroken or,it's be nice to know who we are dealing with.blh kuatkn silaturrahim sesame kite kn..however,delivery by mail is also considered primary choice for customers living outside d area n the COD will be charged based on the weight.As usual la..

For any inquiries,just drop an email/sms at stated contct no..all will be entertained immediately..

tq all..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baju Kurung Baby Cantik2

Since aku teruja sgt nk membeli baju kurung buat puteriku yg berumur setahun 1/2 tu,aku paparkn d cni pilihan2 yg menarik hatiku..xtau aku nk pilih yg mane 1.xkn nk borong sume plk kn??kl lah puteriku itu sudah pandai memilih,ade kah dye jg akn seperti aku yg sudah rabun mata?jgn dye mau sume skali plk sudah..

Biskut Raya

yg ni termasuk dlm golongan biskut raye pulak ye..sape teringin nk mkn,ape lg..blh order skrg!!

nk list kn sume mcm byk,tgk la gmb2 biskut2 yg menawan hati n blh buat kite meleleh ni.mane yg berkenan tu,quote je nnt.

- tart (nenas,kiwi,blueberry)
- biskut marbble
- mama carrie
- almond london
- kuih bangkit (ade yg color putih n hijau)
- moose (orange n red)
- femes emes cookies
- biskut cornflake
- dan lain2 sperti dlm gmb

owh,ye..biskut2 ni sy x buat sndr tp cume tlg menjual bg pihak supplier.ok,hrp maklum!!

SELF Home-Made Kuih Raya

Dibuka sekarang!!
Nosw open for booking/ordering..

here r d list kuih raya yg sy buat..selain drpd yg dlm list ni,anda blh request.

- kerepek pisang tanduk
- kerepek ubi (bblh request kl nk sira pedas)
- tempeyek (kcg tanah,kcg tanah+ikan bilis,ikan bilis shj, kcg hijau)
- tumpi/ tempeyek kcg dal
- kuih loyang/ kuih goyang/ kuih ros
- kuih lidah buaya/ kuih tiram/ kuih kapal terbang (blh request nk sira
- kuih siput (blh request sira manis/pedas)
- kuih gunting (nipis/tebal, sira manis/pedas)
- popia gulung (request kl nk sira)